Weta FACS - (mostly) complete list

 Here's a complete list of action units I've managed to derive from digging through Weta breakdown videos.

Notes and observations

Eye Balls

pupil  L/R  P/N

iris  L/R  P/N

iris shader size  L/R (utility attr?)

eye ball offset  L/R

eye ball offset up  L/R

eye up down  L/R  P/N  AU63/AU64

eye left right  L/R  P/N  AU61/AU62

Eye Lids

eye closed  L/R  P/N  AU43/AU5

lid tightener  L/R  AU7

squint  L/R  AU44

crows feet L/R


inner brow raiser  L/R  AU1

outer brow raiser  L/R  AU2

procerus  L/R

brow lowerer  L/R  AU4

scalp slide  L/R

inner brow wrinkle tweak  L/R

outer brow wrinkle tweak  L/R

procerus wrinkle tweak  L/R

inner brow detail  L/R

outer brow detail  L/R

procerus detail

supratrochlear vein

supra orbital vein  L/R

temporal vein  L/R


cheek raiser  L/R  AU6

cheek detail  L/R

cheek gaunt  L/R

cheek bulge  L/R

cheek blow  L/R


nose wrinkler  L/R  AU9

nasolabial furrow  L/R  AU11

nasolabial furrow lower  L/R

nasolabial line tweak  L/R

nasojugal groove  L/R

nostril tweak  L/R

nostril dilator  L/R  AU38

nose detail  L/R

nose depressor  L/R  AU39?

nose suck  L/R

nostril up down  L/R

nostril dilator upwards  L/R

Lip Zipper

lip zipper  L/R

lip falloff L/R

lip sticky angle  L/R

lip sticky dropoff  L/R

lip sticky height  L/R

lip sticky position  L/R


jaw open  AU26/AU27

jaw thrust  AU29

jaw sideways  P/N  AU30

jaw clencher  AU31

neck puff  L/R

temporalis  L/R

teeth up down  upper/lower

teeth in out  upper/lower

Lip Corners

lip corner puller  L/R  AU12

sharp lip puller  L/R  AU13

lip corner depressor  L/R  AU15

lip stretcher  L/R  AU20

dimpler  L/R  AU14

marionette dimpler  L/R

lip corner detail  L/R

lip vermilion line tweak  L/R  upper/lower

lip vermilion line soften  L/R  upper/lower

Lip to Teeth Tweaks

upper lip outer flat  L/R

lower lip outer flat  L/R

Lips Part

lip part  L/R  upper/lower  AU25

upper lip raiser  L/R  AU10

lower lip depressor  L/R  AU16

chin raiser  L/R  AU17

chin volume tweak

lip tightener  L/R  upper/lower  AU23

lip tightener border front  L/R  upper/lower

lip tightener border side  L/R  upper/lower

lip pressor  L/R  upper/lower  AU24

Lips Fold

lip puckerer  L/R  upper/lower  AU18

lip funneler  L/R  upper/lower  P/N  AU22

lip tension L/R  upper/lower

lip tension inner  L/R  upper/lower

lip tension outer  L/R  upper/lower

lip flatten inner   L/R  upper/lower

lip flatten outer  L/R  upper/lower

... might have missed some here

lip compression  L/R  upper/lower

lip wrinkle vertical  L/R  upper/lower 

lip wrinkle horizontal   L/R  upper/lower

upper lip front in out  L/R

All of the following are not listed on the deep learning slide...


cheek puff  L/R  upper/lower  AU33?

cheek crease  L/R

lip puff  L/R  upper/lower  AU34?

mouth volume back forth  L/R  upper/lower


throat open  L/R

neck line up down  L/R

jaw line tweak  L/R

swallow up down

swallow in out

swallow left right


tongue control vis (not a shape obviously)

tongue in out  P/N

tongue up down  P/N

tongue left right  P/N

tongue curl  P/N

tongue twist  P/N

tongue width  P/N

tongue funnel  L/R   P/N

tongue back thick  P/N

tongue mid thick  P/N

tongue tip thick  P/N

tongue tip curl  P/N

tongue twist   P/N

tongue tip box   P/N

tongue tip in out   P/N

tongue back up down   P/N

tongue middle up down   P/N

tongue move up down   P/N

tongue move forward back   P/N


platysma inner  L/R  upper/lower

platysma outer  L/R  upper/lower

neck tightener  L/R  AU21

sternocleidomastoid  L/R  upper/lower

sternal head  L/R

sternal head hollow

neck thickness  L/R




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