
Showing posts from 2022

Umur & North Chinese Leopard reference - Big Cat Sanctuary - High res video

Some beautiful high res video reference of Amur and North Chinese Leopards curtesy of The Big Cat Sanctuary. Follow the links below to find the videos on facebook. Luka, Amur Leopard   Artur, Amur Leopard   Atara, North Chinese leopard Gif captures: Luka, Amur Leopard

Moving anatomy reference - Paul Smith

Some excellent anatomy reference from Paul Smith, very useful rigging reference for deformation and muscle behaviour. Moving anatomy reference- shoulders from Paul smith on Vimeo . Moving anatomy reference- Neck 1 from Paul smith on Vimeo . Moving anatomy reference : Torso 1 from Paul smith on Vimeo .

Windows Powershell ISE snippets

List all files within a given directory, useful for copy pasting a list of files. Get-ChildItem -Path <<path>> -Name Output: List all files (recursive) Get-ChildItem -Path <<path>> -Name -Recurse Output: Open a file explorer at given directory explorer <<path>> Git repo status clear $line_sep = "*************************************" # brenpy echo $line_sep echo "brenpy" echo $line_sep echo "" cd D:\Repos\brenpy git status echo "" Output: Btw code highlighting was done using the very useful