
Showing posts from January, 2012

Rigging stuff

So in my spare time I like to learn new stuff for my work (which is animation by the way), and I've been developing this auto-rigging tool for building advanced Motion Capture rigs in Maya. Check it out and leme know what you think!

Home made DVD cases!

So I've got an absolute ton of DVDs, and anybody in a similar situation will know how much space they take up. I've never been the biggest fan of DVD cases either, they're big and cumbersome, all to hold just one little disc, and I really like dvd and cd cases that come in a custom cardboard case, so I thought why not try making some! So I grabbed some colourfull card and got to business. Several failed prototypes later and here's the result! Takes up much less room on my shelf and looks way cooler too! (and incase your wondering I didn't use my favorite movies incase i messed it up!!) If your wondering how to make your own let me know and I can put some instructions together! Also... I'm totally up to my face in flu at the minute, so I'm staying inside with soup, making things, and listening to the new blink-182 album (which is awesome by the way).

First blog!

So for 2012 I thought I'd start a blog! Reason being that I've got tones of stuff all over the internet, and it would be cool to bring it all into one place. So expect a total mish-mash of drawings, animation tests, drum covers and probably some music too! To kick things off here's my latest doodle, and it's another robot! Completely Useless Robot ::5 by ~ foreign-body on deviantART