Ryse: Son of Rome - Imaginarium Mocap

Here's a few videos featuring some of my mocap work on Ryse: Son of Rome, back in 2012 at The Imaginarium.

This was a really fun job, the first big project we worked on after setting up The Imaginarium.

My role was as one of several Mocap TD's on the project. First we would help the actors into suits, guide them through their ROMS, calibrate, set up the real time, sit through the shoot capturing takes. 

The shoot lasted a good few weeks I seem to remember, then into a several weeks of post production, cleaning up the raw mocap, skeleton solves, retarget and edit the data onto the client assets. Our goal was to make the motion look as nice as possible without notably altering the performance or losing any subtlety.

The first sequence in this one was all my motion edit (see the "raw animation data" in the lower right)


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