open cv soft blob tracking

Something that comes up frequently in motion capture is the need to track markers that are out of focus, overlapping, or both.

I've been messing around recently with open cv, and it's awesome, there's almost everything there to construct your own home made mocap system relatively quickly, and I was curious to see how well it handled overlapping soft blobs.

I wasn't sure if it even contained any algorithms for dealing with anything other than simple threshold-ed vague circles, and it seems that it does have some.

Interestingly blobs with around 0.5 x blob darkness between blobs it seems to deal with quite well, but if pure black blobs overlap it struggles to differentiate the shapes.

Also interestingly the circularity parameter plays the biggest role in how well it can separate blobs, with a sweet spot around 0.8, blobs tend to merge around 0.7, and vanish all together around 0.9:

Pushing it slightly to the extreme I tried these settings on a more "complex" example :)

Example code and images can be found on my github:


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